goals ⇒ results in 6 steps

“Get RESULTS by doing LESS but with more FOCUS and ACCOUNTABILITY” – Peju K.



What would it feel like for you if you finally achieved the goals that you have set yourself.

You see setting goals is the easy part, setting the wheels in motion to achieve results is where most stumble.

Well, no stumbling in this program! This program is all about getting RESULTS!

In the OYBP Program, results are driven by focussing on implementation…..but not just any old implementation. We want to make sure that what is being implemented and how it’s being implemented is optimised for your business portfolio.

The OYBP Program in a nutshell is optimised implementation coupled with support and accountability all tailored and personalised to your business!

I don’t give you the tools and framework etc. and then say ‘There you go, now get on with it!’

No, No, No…..

I work with you 1:1 through your journey to REAL, TANGIBLE RESULTS!

#6 Steps


OYBP helps you get clear on your goals.

What does success look like for you? What are your goals? What would you like to achieve in your business? What are your core values and mission?

This is always the starting point to getting results, otherwise how do you know when you have reached your destination.

Together we work through what the end game is AND what your results will look like.


What’s a GOAL without a PLAN eh? Setting a goal is one thing but putting a plan to achieve the goal is another.

You’ve set your goals, now what? …..You start to question yourself.

‘How the heck am I going to do this?’. ‘What do I tackle first?’. ‘What do I need to get this done’? ‘How long will this take to accomplish?’ .…. Cue the overwhelm and confusion.

But hey, not here! The OYBP program is an OVERWHELM + CONFUSION FREE ZONE! Truth is, you need a SOLID PLAN to get you the results you desire.

Together, we will draw up a high level 3 year plan. We then drill down, develop detailed plans and decide what the priority and focus should be for the year, each quarter, month, and even week.

#3. FOCUS.

OYBP Program focusses strongly on implementation …..on ‘the doing’….. ACTION, ACTION , ACTION.

I get in the trenches with you and help you find the best solutions to any challenges as you put your plan into action.

If and when you get stuck, you get the support you need to get unstuck keep things moving.

As they say in the Military, ‘Leave no man behind’. We stick by you until the battle is won!



As you know, I am all about OPTIMISATION here…..

In other words, making sure ALL your actions count towards your goals and that every step is being done in the most effective and efficient way. This goes for both your Focus Project/s and BAU (business as usual) activities.

While most other programs offer general advice and self-reflective tools, OYBP offers real consulting tailored to your own unique business and situation.

To make sure that we are off to a winning start, I carry out a  Business Process  Audit & Business Health Check for your business. You see, I am very big on processes and workflows because I believe that this lays a solid foundation for your business. Get this right and your business runs like a dream.


Every Quarter you get a Progress + Business Health Check session. In these sessions,  we sit down and review your goals, track progress, figure out any extra support you may need. We also carry out deep dives on completed projects to work out what went well so that it can be replicated,  and where there were challenges we learn from them and apply those lessons to future projects.

Monthly re-evaluation and planning for the month.

Did I mention that all this is tailored to your business? I think I did!…… but it’s worth repeating!


So we’ve set our goals and made our detailed plans so it should be smooth sailing right?

Setting goals and developing plans are the easy bits. Following through and being accountable is where the challenges are.

We all know what it’s like to set goals, develop plans and still feel like we are not making as much progress as we’d like. Despair, overwhelm and frustration are just a few of the emotions that we experience.

Fear not! We are here to get you unstuck and hold your hand (virtually) if you do feel or get stuck.

Think of us as your very own virtual cheerleaders, cheering you on and giving you much needed encouragement.

This is why we have weekly catch up and accountability sessions to chat through how you are getting on and anything else that may be on your mind….(nothing is off limit)!


This is what you get with the OPTIMISE YOUR BUSINESS PROGRAM…….

Your very own end game….

Your goals SMASHED, Your results ACHIEVED!



Ongoing Support & Accountability is key to your success, and with this Program you get them in bucket loads!

Don’t forget, you get…..

To make sure that we are off to a winning start, I carry out a  Business Process  Audit & Business Health Check for your business. You see, I am very big on processes and workflows because I believe that this lays a solid foundation for your business. Get this right and your business runs like a dream.

Every Quarter you get a Progress Tracking + Goal Setting session. In these sessions,  we sit down and review your goals, track progress, figure out any extra support you may need. We also carry out deep dives on completed projects to work out what went well so that it can be replicated,  and where there were challenges we learn from them and apply those lessons to future projects.

Monthly re-evaluation and planning for the month.

Weekly catch up and accountability sessions to chat through how you are getting on and anything else that may be on your mind….(nothing is off limit)!

Remember, It’s Your Goals and Your Results because this is completely tailored to your business!

Question is are you ready to take the action needed to get those results?….