Asana launch plan + framework Build

 A plan is a whole lot more than just a schedule of what needs to be done, when and by whom

Do launches ever get less stressful?

This is a question I get asked often

The truth is...

It is almost impossible to run a dynamic project like a launch without some stress involved.

As much as we plan for every scenario or possibility, things will go wrong. And there will always be moments of stress…

You’ve been there before, the many moving pieces you have to keep track of. The constant scramble to meet deadlines running on caffeine fuelled long days and late nights. Feeling like you are doing it all even though you have a team.

So the question is how do you lessen any impact on the launch, equip your team with the confidence to bring you options and recommendations so you can make sound decisions without being in the trenches day to day?

You can lessen the occurrences of stressful moments by having a comprehensive launch project plan and a customised framework.

The launch project plan keeps you on track with what needs doing, by whom and when to ensure deadlines are met

The customised framework informs how you and your team will run your launches and handle those moments that could spiral

A combination of this dynamic duo provides you with the process and structure that can hold up to the dynamic nature of launches and is the key to more ease and flow with your launches

because a plan is a whole lot more than just a schedule of what needs to be done, when and by whom

the dynamic duo

Launch Framework

Define the standards and processes for…

Launch Plan

The framework feeds into the plan built in Asana

Also built into the plan...

See how a plan is much more than a schedule?

Here's how the VIP Intensive works....

2 weeks pre-vip day

We would have a private kick off call that allows me to walk you through the process of working together.

The call also gives me an opportunity to really delve into your business and ask questions about your past launches. We also discuss your goals and launch strategy for your upcoming launch.

After the kick off call, I will request an all access pass to your plan, process and launch assets to conduct an audit of your current processes and systems. 

pre-build audit

I go off and conduct an audit of your…

Launch plan / schedule (hopefully in a PM tool)

Launch Framework – strategy, guidelines and processes

Team Management – how your team work together and collaborate

Recommendations on launch tech and systems

Data, metrics and launch assets

the build

Based on my findings from the audit and our kick off call, I will create a customised framework which will be the blueprint with which your launches will be run and your team managed.

Your framework will be built within Asana for easy access and reference as this is the tool you’ll be using for your day to day launch execution.

Once your framework is in place, I will then build your launch plan in Asana to align with your framework including tasks to execute your framework 

the VIP day

We get to spend 5 hours together (with breaks sprinkled throughout) or you get to split it over 2 days.

I walk you through the audit report so you understand the context of your shiny new framework.

We also go over your launch plan and I’ll talk you through the video walkthrough of your plan that I will create to show you how to maintain and execute the plan.

I will also walk you through any  recommendations for your launch tech + systems, from the audit for you and your team to implement.

2 weeks post VIP day

You get 2 weeks of private Voxer support from me to answer any further questions you may have about embedding your framework, maintaining your launch plan or implementing any launch systems + tech recommendations from the audit.

You also get access to launch debrief and launch management guides including templates to get you started on the right foot every time you launch.

Access to all templates needed to help you embed your shiny new framework and make launching a breeze!

Welcome to ‘Soft Life’ Launches!

Before working with Peju, I thought I was okay at planning and executing but OMG does Peju take launch implementation to a whole new level!
I've never felt so on top of things and excited about my launch like I do now.
My team is working together without loads of input from me. I know exactly what I need to do and when to stay on track and I don't feel stressed at all.
I've loved Peju's attention to detail, clarity of process and personal attention throughout the whole journey.
She turned my ramblings of ideas into a strategic project plan I could actually execute and I'm so excited to do the whole thing again in a few months!

Rose Radford

Business Strategist + Wealth Coach

Peju may be a project management expert by trade but she is also a great listener. She is able to align launch strategy to your business and your preferred way of working, giving you the confidence to execute. She has a wonderful way of balancing her empathy and calm with much needed structure and a gentle nudging, compelling you to commit and move forward. She has now become omnipresent in my life! Thinking of her in between sessions motivates me to take the steps I need towards the launch of my online course. Working with her as my coach, and our weekly strategy and accountability sessions is the bright spot in my week!

Robin Altman

Executive Coach

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