free launch roadmap + checklist

Get a head-start on your Next BIG Launch using the proven 10-Step Framework and Checklist!

Are you ready to launch your offer but not sure where to start?

Launching can be a lot. And with so many moving pieces, no surprise most people get so overwhelmed they end up not taking any action. 

And this is why I always say...

Confusion + overwhelm are the biggest killers of action. And complexity is the saboteur of execution!

If you are tired of feeling guilty for not taking action and need a simple framework you can easily execute, then look no further

I've got you!

I'm giving you the exact framework and checklist I use to map out launches for my clients

No fluff. No gaps. Just amazing value

...and a step by step roadmap you can implement TODAY

Gone are the days of endless overwhelm and confusion. No more endless hours agonising about what action to take. It's all laid out for you.

All you have to do is take the first step, then the next and the next after that....

This roadmap gives you...

You'll have the exact roadmap I use to guide clients through their launches.

Peju Lasaki

Launch management + systems expert

In my corporate career as a Project Manager managing super complex projects with team members spread across the globe, I had to learn how to create the structure and efficiency needed to deliver without burning out.

I have been able to achieve this by adopting the ‘Simple but effective’ philosophy through embedding solid processes with the support of systems and allowing automations to do the heavy lifting where appropriate.

This is the wealth of experience that I’ve been able to bring to my business supporting clients the structure, systems and automations needed to successfully execute online course launches without the drama and heavy dosage of caffeine!

When I’m not nerding out on systems and plans, you’ll find me on the sofa cuddling my dog Bailey and watching an insane amount of tv (mostly reality tv). Oh and Formula One motorsport  which i’m a huge fan of!

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